Intellectual Property

You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide From Sanctions in Discovery

As the plaintiff learned in a recent patent case, “all things are presumed against a spoliator,” and the failure to resolve any discrepancies can trigger heightened scrutiny during discovery.

Supreme Court Announces New Standards For Indefiniteness

The Supreme Court found that the Federal Circuit’s standard for “indefiniteness” in a patent needs to be revisited. “Insolubly ambiguous” […]

Cyber Crime Now Costing Economy $446 Billion A Year

The global economy, still struggling to fully recover from the economic crises of the last decade, is being short-shrifted by […]

Patent Eligibility of 3D Printed Organs Will Soon be an Issue

Biotech companies and scientists are working on a breakthrough that could allow specialized 3D printers to create human organs, a […]

New Web Domains Raise Risk of Cyber-Squatting

With new web domains beginning to appear online – including .London, .guru and .sexy to name a few – businesses […]

Managing Risk in Foreign Patent Filings

For foreign patent filings, employ specialized IP translation teams that include in-country native linguists who have subject matter expertise in […]

Securing Trade Secrets in the Digital Age

Trade secrets are increasingly critical to success in a competitive global economy, but legal protections for them remain weak in […]

How Much Of The Virtual World Does Google Already Own?

Federal Circuit Vacates Infringement of Braintree SUPREP Patent

When no judge agrees with the basis of the decision and neither party is satisfied with the outcome, what can we learn from this case?

Two Supreme Court Decisions Overrule Federal Circuit, Make Infringement Harder To Prove

In both decisions, the Supreme Court overruled the Federal Circuit. Though no alleged troll was involved in the first case, […]

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