Intellectual Property

Patent Eligibility Of 3D Printed Organs Will Soon Be An Issue

Both the process of creating a bioprinted organ or tissue and the composition of such organs and tissues may form […]

Rakoff: LexisNexis, Westlaw Providing Legal Briefs For Research ‘Transformative’

LexisNexis and Westlaw can provide legal briefs to subscribers without running afoul of copyright law, Judge Jed Rakoff of the […]

Google, Dropbox, Other Tech Firms Pool Resources To Thwart Trolls

A group of technology companies led by Google, who together hold tens of thousands of patents, have signed an agreement […]

Board Addresses Procedure for Making Board Aware of Supplemental Evidence

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board recently addressed confusion surrounding the propriety and timing of filing “supplemental evidence” in response to an evidentiary objection. The option is outlined in PTAB rules, but no guidance was available before as to how to file that information.

Knowing When and Why to Maintain Your Trademarks

To maintain a trademark, the owner must complete and submit certain filings and fees with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) at specified intervals. When and why to maintain, and methods for preventing cancellation or trademark poaching.

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Proposes Fee Reductions

The USPTO has proposed a reduction in some of its fees for electronically filing trademark applications and renewing registrations, that may become effective January 2015.

John Wayne Estate, Duke University In Copyright Tussle Over “Duke” Bourbon

Duke University seeks to block the estate for the late actor John Wayne – often referred to as The Duke […]

Start-Ups Are Skipping NDAs When Pitching Investors

It used to be common practice, but now it’s rare for an entrepreneur to request, or for a funder to […]

Apple Loses Preliminary Chinese Patent Infringement Ruling Over “Siri”

A Beijing court ruled this week that Chinese company Zhizhen Network Technology Co. can pursue a patent infringement lawsuit against […]

Supreme Court Aereo Case And Determining “The Volitional Actor”

The Supreme Court’s ruling against Aereo last week adds one more element to the already-long list of ad hoc determinations […]

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