Intellectual Property

Copyright As An Online Reputation Management Tool: A Round Hole For A Square Peg

Why is everyone with reputational problems suing for copyright infringement? Because in some cases it has worked, but without intervention, some fear copyright law could turn into a general online equity tool.

Where are You, Congress? Alice v. CLS Bank and “The Case Against Patents”

Stuart Meyer with Fenwick & West LLP calls for Congress to address the judicially-created patent exclusion for laws of nature, natural phenomena and abstract ideas, which some claim hinders innovation.

Securing Trade Secrets In The Digital Age

These are the best of times for stealing trade secrets. “A thumb drive or an email may be all it […]

Trademark Squatters Costing Companies Looking To Expand In China

Individuals in China are registering trademarks for popular foreign brands and holding out for big payoffs –or lengthy legal battles […]

Ethically Breaking Up A Law Firm

McGuireWoods litigator Tom Spahn, a frequent speaker on ethics issues, discusses with legal technologists Sharon Nelson and Jim Calloway how […]

Top EU Court Finds Users Viewing Infringing Material Not Liable

In a landmark Internet copyright ruling last month, the Court of Justice of the European Union found that users who […]

Defendants’ Stratagems and Plaintiffs’ Counters in Trade Secret Litigation

Defendants accused of misappropriating trade secrets have clever stratagems to avoid large damages. Plaintiffs need to be just as crafty to protect their commercial successes.

Architectural Copyrights Should Be Treated No Differently than Other Copyrights

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals rejected an Eleventh Circuit notion that architecture is made up of “compiled works” of copyrightable elements, saying that the combination of many uncopyrightable elements come together to form the work, like any other piece of art.

Inferring Trade Secret “Use” Based on the Potential for Harm

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a ruling that relied on a broader concept of “use” in trade secret misappropriation, with the jury finding that one company’s misconduct led to adverse inferences against trade secrets.

Continued Chaos in Obama Administration Patent Policy

Under pressure from Congress and the hi-tech industry, President Obama has reportedly decided against nominating Johnson & Johnson executive Philip Johnson as director for the USPTO, leaving the office without leadership for 18 months and counting.

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