Intellectual Property
The scenes of Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering speeches during the Civil Rights movement in the film Selma, nominated for […]
Major companies in the retail and hotel and restaurant industries have joined high-tech stalwarts like Google, Facebook and Adobe to […]
A district court in Michigan has rejected an IP expert’s invalidity opinion, after finding that the expert had spent only […]
The ranking of top corporate patent recipients remained unchanged in 2014, with IBM once again on top. IBM also became […]
It could be 2016 before it’s fully implemented, but it sounds like the kind of change that will affect strategies […]
MGM has decided to drop its copyright case against Universal over a project with similarities to the James Bond franchise. […]
In a speech last month before the National Press Club, FTC commissioner Julie Brill announced the agency was currently in […]
The rapidly evolving commercial marijuana business has begun to see trade secret claims (re: “propagation” and “lighting protocol,” among other […]
Manuel Noriega is the former military general and dictator of Panama, former CIA asset and former U.S. ally, who was […]
From Baker & McKenzie, a set of international IP law maps that provide an overview of the state of the […]
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