Intellectual Property
While he music industry may have to re-evaluate concepts like “influence,” and “transformative” in the context of fair use, it also raises questions that go beyond the music industry – about, for example…
The Office of the United States Trade Representative has released its fifth annual review of “notorious markets.” A post from […]
Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams, the duo behind last summer’s huge hit song, “Blurred Lines,” owe $7.4 million to the […]
Automattic, parent company of blogging platform WordPress, is fighting back against meritless takedown notices based on the Digital Millennium Copyright […]
The settlement of a trademark lawsuit filed by The Hershey Company against Let’s Buy British, a New Jersey-based import company, […]
Inadvertently giving away intellectual property – or maybe just setting yourself up for an expensive bout of litigation – can […]
Two unusual startup companies could necessitate a revision to our IP laws, according to attorneys Ben Hattenbach and Joshua Glucoft […]
A Texas jury has found that Apple infringed on patents held by Smartflash LLC, to the tune of $532.9 million. […]
Eligibility of processing patents, both before and following the Supreme Court’s 2014 decision in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Int’, and a recent case in which…
Cancelling the trademark for the “Washington Redskins” infringes on the NFL team’s free speech rights and unfairly singles the team […]
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