Intellectual Property

“Ineligible Subject Matter” Patent Litigation Spikes In 2014

There was a marked increase in “Section 101″ litigation last year, after the Supreme Court…

"Ineligible Subject Matter" Patent Litigation Spikes In 2014

There was a marked increase in “Section 101″ litigation last year, after the Supreme Court…

SCOTUS Weighs Spider-Man Patent Case

The inventor of a Web Blaster toy that lets children shoot foam strings from a glove, like superhero Spider-Man, is […]

Pricey Domain Name “Sucks” Might Be Worth It

The registrar that controls the domain name “sucks” will sell it to a company that would like to own it […]

Monster Truck Trade Dress Passes Muster

A case that underscores the distinction between trade dress for product design and trade dress for services associated with a […]

How Teva v. Sandoz Shifts Power To District Courts

How the decision did and did not change the standard of review that is to be applied by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and why it takes away the “second bite of the apple…

No Product Confusion? No Trademark Case

When a California winery attempted to block a Canadian company’s similar trademark for an apple juice product- both marks included […]

AT&T’s Lawyers Miss Deadline, Can’t Appeal $40M Patent Suit

Lawyers for AT&T missed a deadline and will not be able to appeal a $40 million verdict in a case […]

Summary List Of Supreme Court IP Cases

A compilation of granted certiorari petitions in cases that deal with patent law issues, in reverse chronological order from the present going back several years.

Artist Sues Animated Series For Copyright Infringement

FX’s animated series “Archer” has used three pieces by artist Michel Leah Keck without permission, Keck claims in a lawsuit. […]

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