Intellectual Property
A recent deal between Philips and a Chinese-led investment consortium is noteworthy not only for its size and impact on […]
With the introduction of the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court (UPC), envisaged for 2016, Europe will have a […]
Today more than 86 percent of U.S. prescriptions are being dispensed as generic medicines. They have saved consumers more than […]
Lionsgate, producer and co-writer Joss Whedon and director Drew Goddard stole the idea for The Cabin in the Woods from […]
The IPR has proven to be the best and most cost-effective way to invalidate a competitive patent, but the procedure does carry risks.
A settlement in the patent lawsuit between drugmaker Mylan N.V. and Pfizer Inc. will allow a generic version of Viagra […]
Securing company intellectual property requires a total systems approach, one that extends the reach of “Enterprise Risk Management” (ERM) into […]
A Fox News producer juxtaposed two iconic images in a posting on the Facebook page for the program “Justice with […]
Two pending Supreme Court cases will have a significant impact on patent holders and patent valuations…
The Innovation Act, proposed legislation that has been introduced in the House, would create a presumption in favor of fee-shifting in patent infringement litigation.
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