Intellectual Property
With the introduction of the Unitary Patent and the Unified Patent Court (UPC), envisaged for 2016, Europe will have a […]
A $5 million lawsuit against BBC America’s “Orphan Black” television show will be heard in California. Plaintiff Stephen Hendricks had […]
Nike Inc. has settled a lawsuit it filed against three former shoe designers, who it claimed had stolen secrets and […]
Vox Populi, administrator of .sucks domain, has extended the “sunrise period” deadline for registration. There is speculation that a rush […]
The judge said that although that law might preclude a GMO ban on the basis of “a suburbanite’s sensitivities,” this case was different…
Inter partes review has emerged as a useful tool for generic pharmaceutical companies to supplement litigation, generic filers IPRs also have downsides…
A patent infringer’s contention that it believed the patent at issue was invalid is not a defense, the Supreme Court […]
Increasingly popular apps that allow people to live stream virtually whatever they can see have created some copyright issues, at […]
A case soon to be argued in a Los Angeles courtroom pits The Mongols Nation against the federal government. The […]
The privacy and transparency rules developed by the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) go into effect on September 1. They will […]
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