Intellectual Property
Two non-U.S. companies hold larger portfolios of active U.S. patents than number three on the list, IBM, which ranks first […]
A 2009 royalty plan worth millions is at the heart of a dispute between the three executives behind video game […]
Attorneys would be wise to begin getting additional training and experience on the ins and outs of the European Union’s […]
One is called “Move,” and it operates for the National Association of Realtors. The other is Zillow, which probably […]
A post from Eileen Hyde from the Baker Botts firm confronts the issue of non-practicing entities, and the dilemma that’s […]
A federal judge, frustrated by repeated delays in a lawsuit filed against pop stars Justin Bieber and Usher, refused to […]
In the Second Circuit, a searchable media monitoring service called TVEyes has appealed a district court decision that cleared it […]
Ropes & Gray attorneys look at five developments likely to have a major influence on patent litigation this year, in […]
There is little on the record about how Merrick Garland, President Obama’s nominee to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, approaches […]
Last week’s annual meeting of PhRMA was permeated by a feeling of being unfairly targeted and maligned, and among those doing the maligning, according to various speakers at the gathering, are…
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