Intellectual Property

A Powerful Weapon Against Infringing Imports

U.S. companies have a number of options when confronting the challenge of counterfeits or other types of IP infringement from […]

Apple Will Pays $25M To Troll

Apple has settled for $25 million with Network-1, a non-practicing entity, or patent troll. Apple will get rights to use […]

Report From The “Luxury Law Summit”

No, the conference wasn’t about the trials and tribulations of the one percent…

Trademark War Erupts In Craft Brewing Industry

Legal disputes in the beer world are the norm as new craft breweries spring up at a rate of roughly […]

Trump Daughter In Shoe Infringement Litigation

Italian shoe maker Aquazzura Italia, SRL has sued Ivanka Trump and her company, IT Collection LLC, in the Southern District […]

After NRA Parody, Thousands Of Websites Taken Down

A parody website, ostensibly in the name of the NRA and gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson, offered a buy-one-give-one deal, […]

Houston Law Schools Waging Trademark Battle

When the South Texas College of Law announced it was changing its name to Houston College of Law, the University […]

“Alice” Down To Earth: Two Livestock Patents Ruled Ineligible

In decisions that invoked the Supreme Court’s much discussed Alice decision, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board ruled that two claims by Leachman Cattle of Colorado, LLC, were not….

IP Protection In Europe After Brexit

A summary of the impact of Brexit on patent, design, and trademark rights and their related agreements in both the […]

Cheers To Brexit: Sam Adams Wants To Trademark Term

The Boston Beer, maker of Sam Adams, is hoping to trademark the term “Brexit” for a hard cider. The company […]

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