Intellectual Property
Both patent and trademark law have gone through some drastic changes in recent years, including new kinds of post-issuance proceedings […]
A man in a tuxedo, heading for a night out in New York, walked past a dumpster, and a clear […]
Facebook is on the hook for $500 million in damages after a jury found that the social giant’s virtual reality […]
Rampant venue-shopping in patent infringement cases could become a thing of the past, depending on how the Court rules in […]
When the movie and music industries, along with the White House, rolled out the Copyright Alert System four years ago, […]
Ray Niro, the intellectual property lawyer who made his name—and earned more than $1 billion in settlements—representing clients suing for […]
In-depth analysis of risk and promise, based on a survey of industry executives and interviews with legal, industry and academic […]
Alarmists have been predicting an antibiotic crisis for decades. Now there are indications it has arrived. Without some rapid – […]
One clause in a 1946 law gives the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office the power to deny protection to “immoral, deceptive or scandalous…
In less than a year, Hattie Peze turned a design for a blanket designed to wrap around the legs and […]
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