Intellectual Property
A look ahead at a subject that’s been largely drowned out by more headline-conducive controversies, from a former Director of the PTO… ..
A six-year long IP dispute that had reached the Supreme People’s Court in China resulted in a victory for a […]
He holds four degrees from MIT, runs a startup in the high-tech hotbed of Cambridge, Mass., and says he invented […]
Though the U.S. patent system has consistently excluded them, black Americans have been prolific innovators. The first American patent was […]
At least 65 Chinese companies and individuals have submitted applications to use the name “Ivanka” as a trademark, according to […]
Anyone who uses patented technology can in theory be an infringer, and a considerable number of patent infringement cases are […]
The U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board handed the team of scientists based at the Broad Institute and MIT a […]
The day after Donald Trump called CNN “fake news,” three U.S. companies applied to trademark the term. One of those […]
When members of the Iowa State University chapter pf the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws planned to sport […]
The family of the late Anthony Barré, also known as comedian and rapper Messy Mya, is suing pop megastar Beyoncé, […]
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