Intellectual Property

Trademark Lunacy, Acronym Fever, Over Big Mac Brand

Hmm Daily notes that the Operations Department of the Cancellation Division of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) issued […]

Four Years After Alice, Software Patents Making a Comeback

Since being sworn in as the new director of the USPTO in February, Andrei Iancu has led the charge to […]

Software Patents Still Valuable After Alice: A Case Study

The Supreme Court’s Alice decision in 2014 raised the bar for patent eligibility, with a two-part test that led many […]

Protecting Your Company’s Domain Name

Other companies cannot use your company’s domain name, but they may attempt to use something similar. This Today’s General Counsel […]

Protecting Your Company’s Domain Name

Nearly all successful businesses maintain an online presence, often incorporating the company’s trademark into the domain name. It is highly […]

Design Patents Overlooked in Many IP Portfolios

Many consumer products companies have long taken advantage of the protection afforded through design patents. Companies in other areas — […]

Trade Secret Tips for Strategic Buyers

More than other form of intellectual property, a buyer’s exposure to the seller’s trade secrets can cause liability and restrict […]


Cult Leader Games Patent Office

A cult leader with deep enough pockets to doggedly pursue patents for mundane variations on established technology has been using […]

Integrating Trade Secrets into a Comprehensive IP Strategy

Companies that conduct R&D often have a patentability procedure. That process is also well suited to trade secret protection. In […]

China Stole This U.S. Company’s IP The Old-Fashioned Way

The Chinese wind turbine company Sinovel managed to come up with some software that had been developed by a U.S.-based […]

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