Intellectual Property
The USPTO has recently seen a surge in fraudulent trademark applications relying on digitally altered specimens of use. Rather than […]
Low-cost airline JetBlue has filed suit against Walmart, alleging that Jetblack, Walmart’s concierge shopping service, is infringing on its trademark. […]
The 2014 Supreme Court decision in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International held that claims drawn to an abstract idea […]
The chef and co-owner of two New York restaurants bemoans concentration in the seed industry and the power now wielded […]
A benign cartoon character named Pepe the Frog got morphed into an alt-right symbol, of exactly what it isn’t clear, […]
Average annual salary increased in 2018, with the greatest increases showing up in publicly-traded companies. The highest levels were found in…
When does borrowing and “sampling” become IP theft? That question didn’t get much attention back in the day when rap […]
In an 8-1 decision handed down on May 20, the Supreme Court reversed the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals and […]
The Houston Independent School District, the largest in Texas and one of the largest in the U.S., has lost a […]
The business plan of a proposed 5G company, called Rivada Networks, would be dependent on a U.S. government contract that […]
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