Intellectual Property

Netflix Sued By Mossack-Fonseca, The “Panama Papers” Firm

The name partners in the law firm that suffered the breach that released the Panama Papers are  suing Netflix for […]

Sleeper IL Law Could Cost Tech Giants $1 Billion-Plus

A state law passed back in the day when the privacy issue was just a gleam in the eye of […]

Study Confirms: Employees Are Biggest Data-Security Threat

Sixty-nine percent of organizations said they had been breached due to an insider threat. Symptomatic of how intractable the problem […]

Is The U.S. Giving Away Leadership In 5G?

On the verge of new era – some call it the Fourth Industrial Revolution – the U.S. is ceding leadership […]

Was Spider Man’s Creator Ripped Off?

The daughter of Stan Lee, the legendary comic book writer who created Spider Man, Hulk and the X Men for […]

Chuck Yeager Sues Airbus For Trademark Infringement

Chuck Yeager, legendary test pilot and the first pilot to break the sound barrier, has sued Airbus SE for trademark […]

Use of Landmark Images in Advertising

Though landmark images are valuable visual assets in advertising campaigns, their use can raise serious legal concerns. They are often […]

A Fresh Look at Japanese Trade Secret Protection

There is no specialized trade secret statute in Japan, but trade secrets are afforded both civil and criminal protection under […]

Phony Student Papers, Purchased On Demand, Are Flooding U.S. Colleges

It’s not plagiarism because the essays are original. It’s just that they aren’t the work of the students who turn […]

To Defuse Potential Litigation, Defense Dept To Clarify IP Rights With Contractors

The Department of Defense is setting up a new office intended to define, clarify and allocate IP rights in the […]

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