Intellectual Property
The GAO has released a report that looks at trends in patent infringement litigation and makes recommendations to the U.S. […]
A new online crowdsourcing tool, Trolling Effects, was launched this summer to help identify patent trolls. A coalition of organizations […]
The agreement doesn’t address the merits of the patent claim, but it does require that before sending out more threat letters…
Two nearly identical trade secret cases in the Second Circuit, two different outcomes.
Employees with digital subscriptions to newsletters or magazines can easily forward or print out the documents to share in the […]
In the continuing IP battle among top players in the iPhone market, Apple will benefit from one ITC order and […]
A task force convened by the U.S. Department of Commerce has released “the most thorough and comprehensive analysis of digital […]
Federal Circuit Judge S. Jay Plager lambasts drafting styles that are larded with…
“Concerns about the negative impact that such a decision would have on the protection of patent rights.”
Facebook now permits users to upload photos as comments on the status messages of others. Those photos could be third party images. Is this “fair use”?
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