Intellectual Property

Thin Line Between Patent Litigation and R&D

Blame for the increase in patent litigation has been placed on patent trolls, but…

Enhanced Duty Of Candor Before The PTO

The duty of candor before the U.S. Patent and Trade Office is well understood. Less well understood is a provision […]

Patent Review Expansion Could Deter Trolls, Business Tells Congress

In a letter to key members of Congress, more than two dozen business groups called for the creation of “an […]

Patent Troll Owner Sparks Chatter On “Redskins” Name Change

The owner of a prolific patent troll firm has secured the trademark for the Washington Bravehearts, spurring rumors that NFL […]

Doc Martens Sues “Dirty Laundry” Over Trade Dress

Though a certain level of imitation seems to be tolerated in the industry, fashion designers have increasingly turned to trade […]

Push For Revised Patent Rules Gains Momentum

A Republican congressman has introduced legislation that would make it more difficult for non-practicing entities to litigate infringement lawsuits, at […]

Author Harper Lee Sues Her Hometown Museum In Trademark Case

Author Harper Lee has filed a lawsuit against a museum in her home town of Monroeville, Alabama, the town where […]

NFL Player Secures “Revis Island” Trademark

Four-time Pro Bowler Darrelle Revis finally gained the rights to the term “Revis Island,” used to describe the NFL defensive […]

Exxon Says It Owns The Interlocking XX

Exxon is alleging that the logo for FXX TV infringes on its trademark…

Twitter’s IP Approach: Good For Innovation, Bad For IPO?

Twitter’s unique approach to intellectual property – allowing innovators to keep their patents – is meant to spur inventiveness and […]

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