Intellectual Property
Two leaked and highly redacted memos obtained by the Huffington Post suggest U.S negotiators are taking positions favored by powerful […]
The Supreme Court decision in Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc. will have a widespread impact on the […]
Increasingly common sourcing and production from multiple nations exposes global companies and their customers to new vulnerabilities. When goods, materials […]
Crowdfunding is a new, Internet-driven method of finding the money to start a new business. Unlike traditional funding, crowdfunding does […]
In the past, counterfeit goods were sold through layers of middlemen before reaching consumers. Now counterfeit sellers set up an […]
In intellectual property-based investigations, the U.S. International Trade Commission considers whether a complainant’s domestic activities involve significant investment in plant […]
An inter partes review (IPR) is a new mechanism for challenging patent validity through an evidentiary proceeding before the Patent […]
M&A practitioners must cultivate a sophisticated understanding of IP issues because the interplay of differing global IP laws can have […]
Before bringing an IP lawsuit a business should consider its goals, the consequences and alternatives. There are two key elements […]
In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision on “reverse payment” settlements between brand-name and generic drug makers. […]
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