Intellectual Property
Comcast has filed a lawsuit against a former employee, claiming that the company has rights to TV tracking software the […]
The croissant-donut hybrid that took New York snack enthusiasts by storm in 2013 – the Cronut – is now a […]
A woman who was pulled over for speeding in October was one of thousands of tech developers testing Google Glass, […]
Many current patent holders who are on the margin do have options, however, as do new applicants in many cases.
Congress should reaffirm the existence of the “making available” right to protect intellectual property, though it would have significant ramifications […]
Disparities between in-house data security protocols and those of their outside counsel may expose companies to significant risk, notably in […]
The Patent Office in 2010 had rejected a claim from patent attorney J. Nicholas Gross…
The U.S. International Trade Commission will consider whether the complainant’s investment in the IP at issue is “significant,” but it provides no formula for determining significance…
Managing IP information when corporate partnerships are dissolved or employees depart.
Google has filed a complaint claiming that an Apple-backed company, Rockstar Consortium, has “placed a cloud” on its Android platform […]
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