Feature Articles
The robust “political intelligence” industry is under scrutiny, the Washington Post reports. SEC subpoenas…
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was enacted to deter abusive practices by third-party debt collectors. Violation can result in […]
In recent years, there has been a number of regulatory investigations and securities fraud class actions instituted against Chinese companies […]
Problems related to electronic communications and web-based interactions can have major legal implications. Therefore general counsel and chief information officers […]
Rebuffed in the Southern District of New York, Schwab has sued a slew of banks in California state court, alleging that the banks’ manipulation…
A spreadsheet mistake in widely referenced 2010 academic paper may have rendered many European policy makers farblondget, for want of […]
Some major operating companies have converted to a REIT, but with all the attention on deficits, taxes and tax fairness, Congress could take another look …
Managerial accounting data can be used in expert analyses conducted in at least two types of antitrust litigation: predatory pricing […]
As the year 2013 began, more than 180 consumer class actions regarding the relatively common practice of companies tracking user […]
A survey conducted by the author’s firm examined the current workflow environment in legal departments and identified three key challenges: […]
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