Feature Articles

Matter Management Software Should Offer Cost Control Plus

Fall 2012 marks the second issue of Matter Management Software Insights, a survey conducted by GC Metrics LLC. The survey […]

Paper Records Still Critical to Discovery

Despite the explosion in digital records, businesses in every industry are still generating massive amounts of paper. The manner in […]

Monitoring Regulatory Agreements

Companies that operate in highly regulated industries sometimes need to enter into a settlement agreement that includes a remediation process […]

Reversing a Bad Verdict on Appeal

When a trial goes badly an appeal offers an opportunity for a reversal, but you cannot redo the testimony, arguments, […]

That Cyber-Attack May Be an Inside Job

While cyber-security threats posed by foreign governments and terrorist groups garner headlines, a large proportion of data breaches are carried […]

Crafting a Social Media Policy, with the SEC in Mind

Recently the SEC released guidance permitting companies to disclose important information to investors over social media, as long as the […]

Below-Cost Pricing Law in California

Most national and international companies do business in California. Like other states, California has laws prohibiting below cost pricing of […]

Tips on Reading a Resume from Outside Litigation Counsel

Statistics about resumes in general indicate that roughly three-quarters of them are misleading and more than half contain outright falsehoods. […]

This Is The “Rigorous Analysis” Era Of Class Actions

They began in the ’60s, we’ve been through three eras, and now we’re in the fourth.

How WTO Rules Shape The World’s Energy Mix

Is the deck stacked against renewables?

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