Feature Articles

Tips for Bringing Your In-House Experience to a Startup

Taking your legal skills to a startup requires major adjustments. The author suggests things to consider as you refine your […]

How Law Departments Spend

A 2015 survey of about 300 corporations found that median total legal spend increased two percent over the 2014 results, […]

Impact of Campbell-Ewald on Class Action Litigation

In January the Supreme Court, in a split decision, held that defendant Campbell-Ewald did not do enough to moot plaintiff […]

Social Media Analysis for Investigations and Trials

Research into what people post on social media sites, and with whom they communicate, is increasingly being used in corporate […]

Ethics have Calculable Value

Implementing socially responsible policies and promoting an ethical way of doing business generates profits as well as good will. Socially […]

Legal Analytics for Strategy and Case Management

Legal analytics involves the use of data to make quantitative legal predictions that inform decisions made in both the business […]

In Delhi, A Free Market For Sleep

Men pay 30 cents for a blanket, more for a small wood cot to lay it on. Otherwise it’s the cold sidewalk. It’s a cutthroat business, but…

New Research: Lawyers Aren’t Machines

Some recent studies have dampened speculation about lawyers being replaced by computers and artificial intelligence programs. There is a growing […]

A “Private Tax System” For The Super-Rich

A small group of beneficiaries pay millions of dollars a year to an “income defense industry,” consisting of lawyers, estate planners and anti-tax activists, and contribute heavily to…

Using Europe’s M&A Regime for Tactical Advantage

U.S. companies planning for public M&A in the EU face rules of engagement that are considerably different from those in […]

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