Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
Recent developments in securities class action litigation, and the related issue of the newly articulated SEC disclosure requirements vis a vis cybersecurity…
A FOIA request by the Electronic Frontier Foundation reveals that the FBI pays Geek Squad employees to reveal information from […]
2018 will see big strides in shaping the future of cross-border data flows on the Internet, according to Jonah Force […]
Every day, attorneys transmit spreadsheets, documents and PDFs, to courts and adversaries, to third parties, and to clients. Either they […]
Guidance the SEC issued Feb. 20 appears to be a direct response to Intel’s handling of the security breaches known […]
One of the most pernicious forms of cyberattack shows no signs of abating. On the contrary, it just keeps getting […]
With some ominous findings from the UK as a springboard, this article outlines major security threats to law firms and […]
What are the limits of public access to the courts? In this Today’s General Counsel article, attorney Cristin K. Traylor […]
The threat of losing confidential information through targeted cyber-attacks by outsiders is real, but the more likely culprits are a […]
Like the NTSB when it investigates plane crashes and train accidents, the proposed agency would investigate an incident and…
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