Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
The vast majority of attorneys, more than 90 percent, routinely send confidential information over email, most frequently over Gmail. These […]
A global risk management company interviews its own chief information security officer for an inside take on the essentials of […]
More companies are focusing on container security to ensure that they don’t ship software with known vulnerabilities, to protect sensitive […]
As of this month Amazon has a patent that arms Alexa with a voice analyzer capable of revealing characteristics such […]
The threat of the rogue employee or the vengeful former-employee is a frequent subject of cybersecurity alerts, and it’s a […]
In the face of a largely ineffectual “patchwork system of federal and state laws,” the SEC has emerged as a major de facto U.S. regulator of cybersecurity…
“Lifeless eyes dilate at your approach. Battery-operated lungs suck in stale air, hypnotically wheezing with inhuman rhythm. A plastic chest […]
A variation on the now common phishing scam, dubbed “vishing,” has until recently had a predictable modus operandi, beginning with […]
Recent global surveys by PWC and Deloitte found that most executives think blockchain technology is “scalable” and that it will […]
Threat intelligence is a process of identifying and collecting data, and analyzing artifacts from the past to create an actionable […]
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