Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
Learn more about the DOJ’s Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative, launched in 2021, and its role in a recent whistleblower cybersecurity case involving Georgia Tech.
Discover why small businesses are at risk from cyber threats, as they often lack the resources and expertise necessary to prevent ransomware attacks.
Discover how Canada’s cybersecurity strategy will make hybrid work more secure and create a security operations center to monitor cloud-connected devices.
Learn how supply chain cyberattacks use the trust between companies that share software to find and exploit weaknesses in their mutual cybersecurity.
Read how cyber threats have risen 400% since the pandemic, mostly because of unsecured work-from-home devices and networks.
Read how supply chain cybersecurity isn’t just about defenses. Professor SK Jeong says vulnerabilities often lie with your suppliers.
Explore how the use of AI in a company’s system amplifies the vulnerability of digital ecosystems and networks, as exemplified by the CrowdStrike incident.
Explore these supply chain cybersecurity best practices formulated by the Department of Energy to prevent disruption of critical infrastructure.
Learn more about the largest breach of personally identifiable information (PII) involving allegations that a data broker never notified those affected.
Read how provider consolidation ups the ante for healthcare data breach lawsuits and why settlement is the preferred option for resolution.
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