Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

Smartphones Increasingly Targeted As Entry Into Company Networks

An analysis by cybersecurity company Lookout found that there has been a 37 percent increase in mobile phishing attacks worldwide […]

A Ransomware Wake-Up Call For Law Firms

The recent hack of one of the biggest celebrity law firms in the world should be a wake up call […]

Judge Rejects Privilege Claim, Orders Cap One To Turn Data Security Report Over To Plaintiff’s Attorneys

A Judge from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia has ruled that Capital One must provide […]

Hackers Stage A Data Auction After Company Refuses To Pay Ransom

The starting price was $50,000, and on the block were some 22,000 files and three data bases stolen from a Canadian company that had balked….

How To Pay A Ransom

You have decided your best option under the circumstances is to pay up. But that decision is far from the last…

In The UK: Virus Passports For Football?

A system that integrates coronavirus testing with a “digital health passport” is said to have been developed by a company […]

SBA Server Caused Bank Info Leak

Bank of America has disclosed a security incident involving its online platform for processing loan requests from companies for the […]

Zoom Epitomizes the Concept of Negative Externalities

The software industry thrives by being early to market and putting off bug fixes until later releases, the so-called “move […]

Zoom Epitomizes the Concept of Negative Externalities

The software industry thrives by being early to market and putting off bug fixes until later releases, the so-called “move […]

Unprotected Data In the Cloud

Companies are consistently making a big cybersecurity error, and it is starting to show up statistically. The error is leaving cloud […]

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