Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
Ransomware attacks have become so extensive, and so expensive, that their effects ripple through the entire economy: They have in […]
An unidentified hacker who ripped off a decentralized finance platform for $600 million in funny money returned about $260 million, […]
A provision that addresses cryptocurrency survived bipartisan negotiations and remains in the recently passed Senate version of the infrastructure bill. […]
Solar Winds is said to have gone public the day after it learned from cybersecurity company FireEye about the spectacular […]
The SEC has charged two Florida men and their Cayman Islands company, Blockchain Credit Partners, for “unregistered sales of more […]
A bipartisan bill that could lead to private companies being allowed to “hack back” at cyber-attackers has been introduced in […]
The Missouri governor’s office, defending a lawsuit filed in 2017 by St. Louis attorney Mark Pedroli, has brought in new […]
The ransomware organization REvil went dark on July 13, leaving at least one company that had paid a ransom without […]
Ransomware attacks are becoming more frequent. World leaders are taking notice, but have yet to devise an effective response. A […]
An article in a freight industry trade journal describes how a South Carolina-based attorney guided a trucking company through a […]
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