Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

MBAs Hire Moving Company To Provide Cybersecurity

In 2015, some of the finest minds on Wall Street went to work on a knotty problem: How to dispose […]

Regro illustration of crowd, probably late 18th C London, crowding around looking at the news.

Lloyd’s Bulletin Y5381 Has The Market In A Tizzy

Issued on August 16, with the title “State backed cyber-attack exclusions,” Lloyd’s Market Bulletin Ref: Y5381 says in part that […]

Two symmetical shadowy male figures, out of focus, facing each other and gesturing as if talking to each other.

Dangerous Hybrid: “Psychological” Cyber Crime

Sophisticated cyber-engineering skills are not required. At work here is a new iteration of an old archetype, the con artist […]

A somewhat abstract illustration of a finger pointing, a fingerprint image superimposed over it, with various object in space around it.

Big Hotel Company Hacked

InterContinental Hotels’ (IHG) online booking systems and other services were interrupted by a cyberattack on Sept. 5. IHG operates 17 […]

Biometric, digital fingerprint

Are Biometric Privacy Liability Risks Covered by Insurance?

When taking surveys, general counsel rank privacy liability at the top of their list of concerns, and rightly so. Privacy […]

Image of human figure on a compouter screen, as he is pulling a rope attached to an envelope that is imaged on an adjacent computer screen.

$600K Phishing Attack Not Covered By Computer Fraud Policy

The operative term for what happened to a company called SJ Computers is a BEC  (“business email compromise”) attack, sometimes […]

New Ransomware Gang Hits Sony

Ransom Paid, Data Leaked Anyway

Stealing sensitive data is now routine for ransomware attackers, who threaten to release it if the ransom isn’t paid. Victims […]

New Ransomware Gang Hits Sony

Too Smart to be Fooled by a Phisher?

In August 2022, Twilio, Cloudflare and Cisco said phishers tricked their employees into revealing their credentials. Employees of all three […]

A somewhat abstract illustration of a finger pointing, a fingerprint image superimposed over it, with various object in space around it.

In High-Stakes Biometric Coverage Battle, Players Await A Key Decision

The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) has spawned numerous lawsuits since it went into effect in 2008, and some […]

Demonstrators with masks at a demonstration in support of Assange, his photo faintly visible on a sign in the background.

Lawyers, Journalists Sue CIA & Pompeo, Claim Their Phones Were Stripped

The CIA and its former director Mike Pompeo are being sued by journalists and attorneys who claim data was exfiltrated […]

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