Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

New Ransomware Gang Hits Sony

Cybersecurity Firm Breached, Passwords Stolen

Thousands of customers of Norton LifeLock, an identity protection and cybersecurity firm, had their accounts compromised recently. The breach potentially […]

Cartoonish illustration of a man on a ladder trying to fix a house broken up into pieces like a jigsaw puzzle.

Ohio Supreme Court Says No Property Coverage For Ransomware

In a unanimous ruling, the Ohio Supreme Court held that ransomware costs to a medical billing software company are not […]

Draft Decision On Transferring Personal Data From EU to US

On December 31 the European Commission published a draft decision on adequate protection of personal data under the EU-U.S. Data […]

White outline of a figure on a black background. He is holding an umbrella, it appears to raining zeros and ones, as if its "raining data."

Cyber Insurance Reeling, May Disappear, Says Zurich Insurance Exec

Among all risks, natural catastrophes have been considered the most likely to become uninsurable, but it now looks as if […]

Guy contemplating a stylized collage-image of armaments including a tank in factory production.

How The Fiscal ’23 Defense Bill Will Affect Contractors

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023, passed by Congress on December 15, contains numerous provisions in […]

Who “Sponsored” That Cyberattack?

In a bulletin issued last summer, Lloyds of London announced that it will no longer insure against cyberattacks by governments […]

A couple of abstract figure that look a bit like eyeballs. One has angels' wings, and other has devil horns.

Latest Insidious Variations On Ransomware Attacks

One new strategy targets healthcare organizations by sending practitioners – doctors and nurses – authentic-looking files that include such things […]

Closeup detail photo of knotted rope.

If You Want Cheaper Cyber Insurance, Tighten The Ship

A post by an executive from international insurer Allianz includes highlights from a recent Allianz publication titled “Cyber: The changing […]

Oracle-TikTok Ties Probed

Bi-partisan legislation has been proposed to ban the TikTok app from operating in the U.S.  The concern is its ties […]

Blaming the CISO Is Counterproductive

Holding the chief information security officer responsible after a company discovers a data breach sounds like a no-brainer. Not long […]

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