Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

Devices Planted In NY Are Recording, Live-Tweeting Public Conversations

An art project meant to stir debate over privacy and security, two adjunct professors have debuted ‘Conversnitch,’ a device that […]

LinkedIn May Be Sued For Misrepresenting Security Practices, Judge Rules

A California judge who earlier had ruled that a class action could not certified against the social media site, said […]

First Glance: Legal Implications of the Heartbleed OpenSSL Bug?

In light of the Heartbleed security breach, failure to immediately attend to patches and advising users to change passwords could expose companies to potential liability.

Personal Data Of Millions At Risk From Major Internet Security Lapse

A major security lapse in one of the most trusted security features on the web has left millions of passwords […]

2014 May Be Cyber Insurance’s Most Popular Year Yet

A recent court decision on data breaches, which determined that cyber attacks fall outside the realm of traditional insurance, and the spate of high-profile breach cases may lead to a surge in cyber insurance in 2014.

If Your Law Firm Suffers a Data-Breach, Maybe You Do Too

Lawyers often have access to clients’ sensitive commercial, operational and other information. But lawyers can also possess similar information about […]

White House Releases Corporate Cybersecurity Framework

Businesses that are involved in critical national infrastructure will be encouraged to beef up cybersecurity efforts under a framework released […]

EU Committee Finds US, UK Spying Programs Illegal

The European parliament’s civil liberties committee has released a draft report finding that mass surveillance programs used by the US […]

Suit Claims Facebook Scanning Users’ Private Messages

Links that Facebook users send to one another via private messages on the site are being scanned as “likes” and […]

Privacy Advocacy Group Sues Gov’t For NSA Surveillance Reports

The privacy advocacy group Electronic Privacy Information Center has filed a lawsuit against the federal government, seeking access to reports […]

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