Data Privacy & Cybersecurity
New gun sale rules announced by President Obama could be setting up a collision between officials and the confidentiality protections […]
It’s now technically possible for employees to record just about anything that goes on in the workplace, including exchanges with […]
There has been an uptick in so-called whaling attacks against companies, and they have become more sophisticated, according to an […]
Law firms have been low-hanging fruit for hackers and spammers, at least in comparison to the corporations that are their […]
Fifteen short and to-the- point predictions about the shape cybersecurity problems will take in 2016, compiled from more than a […]
A New Zealand judge has ruled that Kim Dotcom, founder of Megaupload, may be extradited to the U.S., where he […]
A 23 year-old man has been charged with felony criminal copyright infringement and identity theft after he was caught attempting […]
LifeLock Inc. has agreed to a $100 million payout that will settle contempt charges leveled by the Federal Trade Commission […]
A 23 year-old man has been charged with felony criminal copyright infringement and identity theft after he was caught attempting […]
An advanced copy of Quentin Tarantino’s “The Hateful Eight” that was leaked this week has been identified as that sent […]
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