Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

Court: Govt Can Hack Your Computer Without A Warrant

In what the Electronic Frontier Foundation calls the latest in a series of “troubling decisions,” a district court in the […]

Dealing With UK Privacy Compliance After Brexit: “Carry On”

For now, relations continue to be bound by the UK Data Protection Act of 1998. In the future the […]

N.M. High Court Guides Judges On Social Media

After a judge’s celebratory Facebook post was cited as one of the reasons a murder conviction was sent for retrial, […]

Chinese Cyber-Espionage Abates

Moves by the U.S., including indictments and the threat of economic sanctions, have led to a sharp decrease in instances […]

The Year 2015 In Data Breach: What Happened And How

A review of serious data breaches and vulnerabilities, from IBM security services, based on an analysis of its own client […]

Cybersecurity Concerns For ERISA Fiduciaries

Pension and welfare plans store participant and beneficiary personal data that is of interest to cyber attackers. Not only does […]

Employee Negligence Doesn’t Negate Cyber Coverage

A decision from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court summary judgment for the policy holder in […]

Cybersecurity Is A Governance And Risk Management Issue

More companies are coming to see cybersecurity as part of a larger compliance and integrity program, rather than shunting it […]

Gathering Worldwide Resistance To U.S. Tech Giants

Most people in the U.S., including regulators, seem comfortable with the notion that a few U.S. behemoths are on their way to becoming both gatekeeper and gate, but in much of the rest of the world there is alarm.

Evaluating Your Company’s Social Media Policy

Many companies use third party social media sites, for a variety of purposes including marketing and interacting with customers. A […]

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