Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

Lawyers On Drugs

Secretly strung out on drugs, the Wilson Sonsini IP attorney had became increasingly erratic and distant from his family, while […]

Securing Company Info Against Disloyal Employees

What can a company do when it gets word that an employee is angling for a new job and might […]

Study Finds Widespread Lack Of Cybersecurity In Law Firms

Law firms are woefully unprepared for cyber attacks, according to a recent study. The survey of 200 law firms found […]

21 U.S. States Targeted By Russia In Election

Two Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed this week that internet-connected election networks and websites in 21 states were targeted […]

NY State Supreme Court Justice Fleeced In Phishing Scam

New York State Supreme Court Justice Lori Sattler was scammed out of more than $1 million after she fell victim […]

RNC Vendor Exposed Millions Of Voter Files Online

An expansive Republican database of voters, including information from 198 million Americans, was left vulnerable to virtually anyone with a […]

Explosive Growth In IoT Security Attacks

In a “honeypot” experiment it was only seconds before the first attempts at a breach were registered, and over the next 24-hours…

Sustainability Accounting Standards As The New GAAP

A hundred years ago, basic corporate financials were considered nobody’s business but the company’s. It took the depression of the […]

The Regulatory Challenge of Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are coming soon, and with them unprecedented regulatory challenges, although it’s not the first time that regulators and […]

Legal Competence And The Role Of Technological Expertise

In addition to understanding the technology of their client’s business, lawyers need to understand the technology that is part of […]

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