Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

Pacemakers Recalled For Lax Cybersecurity

Almost 500,000 pacemakers sold by Abbott under the St Jude Medical brand have been recalled by the FDA for fear […]

Using Big Data Analysis To Protect Against Internal Threats

The disgruntled engineer, the employee angling for a new job, or just the chatty manager who likes to tell people […]

Privacy Is The Tradeoff For Convenience On The Internet

Surveillance is the business model of the internet, according to an article in Harvard Law Today, and consumers are resigned […]

Government Does Miserable Cybersecurity Job

According to an analysis of 552 local, state and federal organizations by risk management firm SecurityScorecard, government ranks better than […]

Is Fear Of Data Breach Injury Grounds For A Lawsuit?

Can someone whose information was stolen sue over fear of future injury even where there is no evidence an actual […]

Don’t Let Data Walk Out The Door

Hacking generates the headlines, but by far the most common way for confidential company information to enter the public domain […]

Are Spoof Victims Covered By Computer Fraud Insurance?

Spoofing, sometimes known as “payment instruction fraud,” typically involves a phony invoice or an instruction to wire funds to an […]

Cyberspace Will Be Regulated Soon, Magazine Predicts

The federal government has been slow to respond to cybersecurity risk, but according to Stratfor Worldview, it will increasingly turn […]

Proposed Law A Game-Changer For IoT Security

Taking a backdoor approach to a looming cybersecurity problem, legislation proposed by a bipartisan group of senators would impose significant […]

Christie, Union Clash Over Cybersecurity

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie issued an executive order outlining a series of changes to the government’s technology infrastructure, but […]

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