Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

Why Social Security Numbers Make Us Vulnerable

Businesses and financial services companies use them as “authenticators,” as well as identifiers. That’s a problem, according to this analysis […]

This Is a Warning Not a Watch

British Cybersecurity chief Ian Levy says a “category one” cyber-attack, the most serious kind, will happen soon. Levy, directs the […]

Buying The Right Cyber Insurance Policy

The need has never been greater, but insurers are now excluding cyber risks from standard policies, both general liability and […]

Cybersecurity Top Priority For Trump’s NIST Nominee

Walter Copan, a chemist, and president and CEO of Colorado-based Intellectual Property Engineering Group, has been nominated to direct the […]

Kaspersky Says “You Can Trust Us”

Eugene Kaspersky said through an interview with the BBC that there is no reason to mistrust his company, Kaspersky Lab, […]

Equifax Cyber Insurance Won’t Cover The Hit

The expense of the breach could be “ multiples higher than the insurance payout” after the monumental hack…

Cybersecurity Is Weak Because Corporations Lobby For Weak Regulation

As long as impunity for corporations and their executives is the norm, data breaches will continue to happen, writes New […]

How Equifax “Got Everything Wrong”

It started with the CEO’s tone-deaf apology, calling the episode “a disappointing event for our company.” Meanwhile, by looking at regulatory filings, Bloomberg investigators found…

House Advances Cybersecurity Bill For Ports

The House Homeland Security Committee has approved a bill aimed at protecting ports in the United States from cyberattacks. Rep. […]

Judge Oks Litigation Over Massive Yahoo Cyber Breach

A lawyer for the plaintiffs calls it “the biggest data breach in the history of the world” but Verizon, which […]

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