
New Multi-Agency Crackdown On White Collar Crime

“If the recent proliferation of taskforces and initiatives is any indication, the aggressive cross-border expansion of white-collar crime enforcement is […]

Amid Controversy, Facial Recognition Guidelines Offered By Industry

Facial recognition software could identify shoppers who are likely to spend money. and on what. It’s a technology that…

cybersecurity attack

Phishers Troll For W-2s

In February the IRS warned of “an approximate 400-percent surge” in phishing and malware incidents during the 2016 tax season. […]

Home Depot Cyberattack Costs $19M

Home Depot will pay out $19.5 million to the more than 50 million customers who suffered after the big-box home […]

Cybersecurity Companies Hiring Military Experts

Former high level military experts are being tapped by private cybersecurity companies in order to improve their product, says an […]

Health Apps Are Selling User Data

By “flying under the radar” and putting out convoluted privacy policies that users don’t understand, small health-app providers are able to get away with routinely collecting and selling consumer personal health information.

Twitter Tells Widow It Isn’t Liable For Terrorist Communication

A widow has filed a suit alleging that Twitter is liable for creating the platform that allowed terrorists to plot […]

Hacker Goes Snowden On Academia, Releases Millions Of Research Papers

A hacker from Kazakhstan has protested the skyrocketing prices of scientific journals by releasing millions of research studies free on […]

Sharp Slap On The Wrist To Verizon Over “Supercookies”

The FCC has reached a settlement with Verizon Wireless over so-called “supercookies,” used to track consumer’s internet habits which were […]

A Roadmap To “Reasonable” Cyber Protection

A report issued by the attorney general of California defines what constitutes minimum standards of “reasonable security” for personal information […]

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