
Chinese Cyber-Espionage Abates

Moves by the U.S., including indictments and the threat of economic sanctions, have led to a sharp decrease in instances […]

The Year 2015 In Data Breach: What Happened And How

A review of serious data breaches and vulnerabilities, from IBM security services, based on an analysis of its own client […]

Limits of Cyber Attack Insurance Being Tested in Litigation

Some of the first cases relating to a cyber-attack or data breach relied on traditional insurance forms that contained specific […]

Lessons from Ransomware Attacks on Healthcare Providers

Earlier this year a number of healthcare providers found themselves under siege by targeted ransomware attacks. In February, Hollywood Presbyterian […]

Standing is Key Issue in Cyber Lawsuits

A data breach plaintiff, like any federal plaintiff, must establish standing in order to survive a 12(b)(1) motion to dismiss. […]

Don’t Let “Shadow IT” Take Hold in the Legal Department

Employees are becoming empowered to take workplace technology adoption into their own hands, and that’s become a challenge for IT […]

Cybersecurity Concerns For ERISA Fiduciaries

Pension and welfare plans store participant and beneficiary personal data that is of interest to cyber attackers. Not only does […]

Employee Negligence Doesn’t Negate Cyber Coverage

A decision from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court summary judgment for the policy holder in […]

Cybersecurity Is A Governance And Risk Management Issue

More companies are coming to see cybersecurity as part of a larger compliance and integrity program, rather than shunting it […]

Gathering Worldwide Resistance To U.S. Tech Giants

Most people in the U.S., including regulators, seem comfortable with the notion that a few U.S. behemoths are on their way to becoming both gatekeeper and gate, but in much of the rest of the world there is alarm.

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