
Is It Criminal To Withhold Passwords?

Former Philadelphia police sergeant Francis Rawls has not been charged with a crime, but he has been in custody for […]

Protecting Your Company From Ransomware

Ransomware has become so lucrative that an industry has developed around it, with commission-based ransomware-as-a-service programs that allow the malware […]

Preparing for Low-Probability High-Impact Events

Systematic preparation for a highly unlikely catastrophe “is not morbid thinking or gloom-and-doom prognosticating, but rather a crucial planning feature […]

Remembering Pioneer Developer Of Early Laptop, “Built Like An Armored Tank”

He was a Brit, taught in Scotland, but did his major life work in Silicon Valley. Computer engineer John Ellenby, […]

Ten Tech Mistakes Lawyers Make

At least 80 of the largest U.S. law firms by revenue have been hacked since 2011, according to a Bloomberg […]

Does Vizio Purchase Let China Into Your TV Room?

Vizio, the largest maker of TVs in the U.S., is the subject of about 15 privacy lawsuits for its software […]

How To Recognize A Risky Email

With studies showing that possibly the greatest cybersecurity risk to any business is suspicious emails its own employees open, it’s […]

NSA Hack Endangers Companies, Government Agencies

Despite pressure to share the cybersecurity weaknesses they’ve discovered over the years, the National Security Agency kept the information mostly […]

Trial Begins For Russian Megahacker

Roman Seleznev, the son of a Russian lawmaker, is accused of orchestrating an international scheme that made him about $170 […]

Protecting Your Company from Ransomware

Ransomware has become so lucrative that an industry has developed around it, with commission-based ransomware-as-a-service programs that allow the malware […]

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