The need has never been greater, but insurers are now excluding cyber risks from standard policies, both general liability and […]
Walter Copan, a chemist, and president and CEO of Colorado-based Intellectual Property Engineering Group, has been nominated to direct the […]
Eugene Kaspersky said through an interview with the BBC that there is no reason to mistrust his company, Kaspersky Lab, […]
The expense of the breach could be “ multiples higher than the insurance payout” after the monumental hack…
As long as impunity for corporations and their executives is the norm, data breaches will continue to happen, writes New […]
It started with the CEO’s tone-deaf apology, calling the episode “a disappointing event for our company.” Meanwhile, by looking at regulatory filings, Bloomberg investigators found…
The House Homeland Security Committee has approved a bill aimed at protecting ports in the United States from cyberattacks. Rep. […]
A lawyer for the plaintiffs calls it “the biggest data breach in the history of the world” but Verizon, which […]
Almost 500,000 pacemakers sold by Abbott under the St Jude Medical brand have been recalled by the FDA for fear […]
The disgruntled engineer, the employee angling for a new job, or just the chatty manager who likes to tell people […]
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