
Cyber Protection Tip: Voice Recognition Is Safer Than Passwords

This post from IT Security Guru points to research that finds 61 percent of fraud losses from account takeovers involve […]

Lawsuit Filed In Ransomware Attack

The ransomware attack that hit two Allscripts data centers in North Carolina on January 18 impacted about 1,500 clients of […]

Lawyers Warned Re Handling Cryptocurrency Offerings

SEC Chairman Jay Clayton has issues a stern warning to “gatekeepers” about the advice they are giving regarding initial coin […]

Companies Spending Billions On GDPR Compliance

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which goes into effect in May, will give European citizens more control over their […]

Why Hackers Love C-Level Executives

“Every statistic I’ve seen shows that executives are the least likely to adhere to policies that they expect everyone else […]

Cyber Horror Stories, And What Your Firm Can Do To Avoid Being In One

The lawyer gets an email from a client, which includes an urgent request to take a look at an attached document…

Russian Cybersecurity Firms Both Prized And Feared In West

A Western-oriented Moscow newspaper considers the effect of the Kaspersky Labs controversy and the confusing mixed message that Western companies need field as they…

Lawsuits Reveal Intrinsic Flaw In Computer Operations

Major class action lawsuits filed against Intel involve two flaws, dubbed Meltdown and Spectre, that are precisely the types of […]

Data Breach Claim Requires “Injury-In-Fact,” Says 8th Circuit

Two cases from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals have come to a similar conclusion about what’s required for a […]

Law Firm “Hunger Games” Scenario Predicted For 2018

Slow growth and intense competition for both talent and clients is in the cards, according to an article in Crain’s […]

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