The 2014 United States Supreme Court decision in Alice Corp. Prop. Ltd. v. CLS Bank Int’l imposed a heightened standard […]
The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) expands the scope of the EU’s data privacy regulatory framework to cover companies […]
“We are pragmatists, and the ‘never pay’ mantra is simply not attuned to the reality of the choices businesses have […]
A number of articles about the cyryptocurrency industry highlight recent trends, some of which are found alarming. Some see a […]
Offices tend to use devices until they are outdated, and to rely on technology long past recommended replacement cycles – […]
According to an article in Security Boulevard, email is the most significant threat vector of a corporate network, and should […]
In the world of advanced cybertechnology, some of the most advanced companies that sell security may also sell offensive capabilities. […]
In some respects, law firms are at an advantage. Other industries, notably health care, have been hit earlier and harder, […]
According to a Lawfare article, the most pressing issue in the data privacy and protection arena is the uncertain fate […]
A recent study has found that companies that even mention the existence of trade secrets in their 10K filings are 30 percent more likely to…
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