
Is Censoring Terrorists On The Internet Counterproductive?

Monitoring and taking down terrorist internet content is generally viewed as sound defensible policy, with the main problems being the […]

State AGs Go After Data Brokers

In comments to the Federal Trade Commission in June 2019, the state attorneys general for 40 states recommended the creation […]

A Powerful Hacker Tactic: “Island-Hopping”

The term derives from military history of World War II. Instead of a frontal attack on a big target, the […]

Data and Business Litigation

Data can provide competitive advantages, help streamline business functions, serve as a key resource to document processes and prove positions […]

Why Prisons Are Banning Computer Tech Books

Oregon joins a number of other state in adding a variety of books about computer technology and coding to the […]

Alexa Gets Sued

A class action alleging Amazon’s Alexa virtual-assistant product violates the privacy rights of minors has been filed against Amazon in […]

Faster, Cheaper, Smarter: The Future of AI in E-Discovery

AI found its way into the legal process as part of a complex but still circumscribed function: document review in […]

New Legislation Favors Trolls, Says EFF

The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s response to a rewrite of Section 101 of the Patent Act now working its way through […]

A Million Bucks For A Virus-Infected Laptop

As part of an art project sponsored by a cybersecurity company, a laptop computer has been purposely infected with six […]

Huawei Banished? Private Right-Wing Venture Wants to Fill The Space

The business plan of a proposed 5G company, called Rivada Networks, would be dependent on a U.S. government contract that […]

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