
Study: Apps Gather Location Data Roughly Every Three Minutes

A Carnegie Mellon University study has found that smartphone apps request device location information about every three minutes. The two-week […]

Facebook: 14,000 Gov’t Requests For Data In 6 Months

In the second half of 2014, Facebook said it received more than 14,000 requests for data from U.S. law enforcement, […]

FCC Chair Wheeler Denies Pressure From White House

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler vehemently denied that the White House strong-armed the agency into passing its recent update to net […]

Cyber Market Eyes Israeli Tech Companies

Conscription is near-universal in Israel, and within the country’s military a cyber unit has been training “world-class hackers,” many of […]

Board, Internal Audit Professionals, Confront Cybersecurity

A road to better cybersecurity and privacy policies leads through the board of directors and the audit committee, according to […]

Three Indicted For History’s Biggest Email Hack

Three hackers who perpetrated the “largest data breach of names and email addresses in the history of the internet,” have […]

British Hacker Arrested For Defense Department Attack

A 23-year old man in England accused of hacking the U.S. Department of Defense has been arrested. The attack exposed […]

Now Comes “Car Hacking”

A post from Foley & Lardner looks at recent reports on security issues arising from the “Internet of things,” including […]

Artificial Websites With Real Lawyers

It’s a scam that’s been seen before and one wonders why it’s not seen more often. This time it’s in […]

Privacy Advocates Pan A Senate Cybersecurity Act

A Senate Intelligence committee proposal, meant to encourage companies to share information about cyber vulnerabilities with the federal government, has […]

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