When an Anheuser-Busch employee Victor Nascimento was issued a new iPhone, his old one got transferred to another employee. Nascimento’s […]
A specialist in suing tech companies for privacy violations, his targets have included Amazon, Google, Apple, and many others less well known, and he may have won as much $1 billion.
This week President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing a sanctions program that will apply to hackers and other […]
A Belgian data protection agency has discovered that Facebook tracks the web browsing of everyone visiting the site, even if […]
After hackers last year aired a trove of personal and business information from Sony Pictures Entertainment, Hollywood has begun the […]
Someone doing basic homework on this increasingly pressing topic will find plenty to chew on in this post from PropertyCasualty360, […]
An internal Citigroup report, obtained by the New York Times, warned that law firms are at high risk for “cyberintrusions” […]
As the auction got underway this week for bankrupt tech retailer RadioShack, state attorneys general have stepped up to promise […]
Though the FCC’s new rules are months away from being implemented, two lawsuits were filed this week on net neutrality. […]
A recent survey from Thomson Reuters finds that corporate boards are lagging in their adoption of basic security measures, and […]
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