Fear of future injury hasn’t fared well as the basis for a claim when the injury is a medical problem […]
Net Neutrality drew so much attention to public dissatisfaction with Internet service providers, it may have made regulators less willing […]
A bill that would extend liability protection for companies that share information about cyber attacks was passed by an overwhelming […]
The smart technology that proponents say could control municipal infrastructure, down to the traffic lights and water management, is vulnerable […]
The former majority owner of Texas gun store and shooting rangemust hand over the username and password for social media […]
The definition of “digital assets” keep expanding, now to include everything from emails and photos to client lists and domain […]
We’re likely to see more, and more intense, cyber-attacks as the technology continues to evolve. The author provides six steps […]
The Federal Trade Commission Act, Section 5, makes unlawful any “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.” […]
The breach at Sony Pictures Entertainment and the leak of client records at Morgan Stanley likely involved information attacks from […]
Embedded in many anti-bribery and corruption compliance programs are due diligence practices that help identify and mitigate risks associated with […]
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