There is some good reasons to consider getting ISO 27001 certification, but one factor will make many firms think twice.
A bill that appears to be on track for passage would extend California data privacy law to geophysical location and […]
Forty-seven state Attorneys General wrote Congress this week, asking that lawmakers not pre-empt state notification laws in proposed cyber security […]
If “big brother is watching you,” per George Orwell, then the FTC is watching big brother (at least in his […]
The protection of a trademark is not the only reason to go after domain-name squatters. McCarter & English attorneys Susan […]
There is a provision in some data breach liability policies that would seem to exclude the very risk the insured was seeking to insure.
The Federal Trade Commission is making a concerted effort to clarify what it expects from companies with regard to security […]
In a survey that queried risk managers and insurers, 70 percent of respondents listed cybersecurity as their top perceived casualty […]
Reuters reports that the SEC is questioning eight companies about possible security breaches that allowed hackers to get information about […]
As general counsel begin to understand the long-term ramifications of cyber attacks, they must also grapple with an evolving regulatory […]
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