Only about 27 percent of public companies are complying with a three-year-old SEC requirement that companies account for projected effects […]
The Internal Revenue Service has released guidelines that will help employers who offered benefits to same-sex partners of employees prior […]
Employees who feel compelled to volunteer in work-related charity efforts can ask to be paid for their time under the […]
Twitter’s “stealth” IPO has revived lingering doubts about the ultimate benefits and potential pitfalls inherent in the JOBS Act. Heavily […]
California employers will have to pay nannies and other domestic workers time-and-a-half overtime when they work more than nine hours […]
Chinese regulators are targeting Western companies for anti-competitive behavior as it moves to establish native companies as contenders. The country’s […]
California’s Family Temporary Disability Insurance program will expand in 2014 under a bill signed into law Sept. 24. The program, […]
The Securities and Exchange Commission will be “aggressive and creative” in using enforcement actions going forward, including pursuing individuals, seeking […]
The Securities and Exchange Commission is reinvigorating its accounting regulation enforcement efforts, including by adding dedicated staff and utilizing data […]
With the number of class-action lawsuits filed against employers performing criminal background checks on potential employees growing, companies may find […]
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