Another warning about tough enforcement from the SEC chief; a Transparency International report that says the United States, by way […]
Would contractors be legally empowered to stop work? To halt payments to subcontractors? Should they? A client advisory from McKenna […]
Under a new law, San Francisco will be the first city to mandate that private companies accommodate employees with children […]
The chair of the SEC made clear that she is not in favor of disclosure requirements that Congress mandated in […]
Preparations for the 2014 proxy and annual reporting season should already be underway, says Mayer Brown attorney Laura D. Richman, […]
Wellness programs, popular workplace health initiatives that seek to benefit employees who exercise or eat healthy, still occupy a gray […]
This week the SEC announced an unprecedented $14 million whistleblower award, originating from an office that was created under Dodd-Frank. […]
New privacy legislation has been signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown in California, which traditionally sets the bar in […]
General counsel should be kept separate from corporate compliance, as both functions are increasingly complex and competing interests frequently arise, […]
Duty to disclose “is not a mandate for prolixity,” court says…
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