
Big Chunk of the Affordable Act Was Not Delayed, Deadlines Loom

Postponement of some key Obamacare deadlines have been widely reported, but companies need to keep in mind that a number […]

Tax Treatment of Fines and Penalties: The Elephant in the Room

The federal government has become more aggressive in extracting fines and penalties for alleged corporate malfeasance, with a few jaw-dropping […]

Fed To Make Foreign Banks Play By US Rules

U.S. regulators are poised to make a change to Dodd-Frank Act requirements that would make the U.S. operations of foreign […]

Banks, Retailers Face Off Over Debit Transactions

The Federal Reserve is appealing a court decision that struck down a 21-cent per swipe fee on debit card transactions. […]

SEC Enforcement Prognosis For 2014

A seasoned SEC observer looks ahead to 2014 and what the SEC’s enforcement priorities are likely to be, based on […]

Get Ready To Deal With Pay Ratio, Sustainability, Campaigns

Mandatory pay ratio disclosure is coming, with only the details remaining to be worked out, and they probably will be […]

WikiLeaks Reveals U.S. Compromise In Pacific Trade Talks

Documents obtained by WikiLeaks reveal that the United States is retreating on a number of environmental protection provisions during the […]

Financial Firms Hand-Wringing Over Volcker Implementation

The lack of clarity in interpretation and enforcement of the Volcker rule was the over-arching concern of several banking industry […]

Net Neutrality FCC Rules Struck Down By Appeals Court

A federal appeals court today struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s net-neutrality rules, which would have prevented broadband providers from […]

Nimmer Urges Congress To Reaffirm Copyright Act’s “Making Available” Right

Congress should reaffirm the existence of the “making available” right to protect intellectual property, though it would have significant ramifications […]

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