
Board Members Could Be Vulnerable To FCPA Prosecutions

Under increasingly targeted investigations by the Justice Department and the SEC, it’s only a matter of time before the field […]

E-Discovery: What’s Accessible In Social Media And How To Find It

With more than 70 percent of people in the U.S. using social media, sites like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace are […]

Employer Rights During An OSHA Inspection

Seeing the inspection warrant is an employer right, but Epstein Becker Green attorney Eric J. Conn says it’s usually better […]

New Prime Target For Washington Lobbyists: The EU

Recognizing the EU’s economic power and the fact that issues like fracking and privacy are if anything even more contentious […]

Terrorism Insurance

Complex coverage issues arise after the Boston Marathon bombings.

Crucial FCPA Definition Under Appeals Court Review

In a case that could establish important groundrules for future application of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, oral arguments began […]

Securities Litigation and News, Week Ending October 11

Another warning about tough enforcement from the SEC chief; a Transparency International report that says the United States, by way […]

What Failure To Raise The Debt Ceiling Will Mean For Government Contractors

Would contractors be legally empowered to stop work? To halt payments to subcontractors? Should they? A client advisory from McKenna […]

San Francisco To Private Companies: Be Flexible, Or Pay

Under a new law, San Francisco will be the first city to mandate that private companies accommodate employees with children […]

Mary Jo White Blasts Dodd-Frank Disclosure Requirements

The chair of the SEC made clear that she is not in favor of disclosure requirements that Congress mandated in […]

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