The city of Seattle’s rapid-fire approval of a $15-per-hour minimum wage, just months after workers began rallying behind the proposal, […]
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014 that funds the EPA for fiscal 2014 includes a provision that some might consider […]
Agreements that the Justice Department made with two music licensing giants more than 70 years ago will come under scrutiny, […]
A safety audit can lead to improvements in operations and reduce liability risk, but it also creates evidence. In the […]
The risk that contractors will draw a company into a compliance issue has never been greater. Nathan Dreyfus and Guler […]
California’s cutting-edge privacy policies have been clarified by a recent guidance to the Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA) from the […]
Pressure to clamp down on the data-broker industry went up a notch last week, with the Federal Trade Commission releasing […]
After some consumers complained that a baby carrier manufactured by a company called Ergobaby had safety defects, the claims were […]
A bill being taken up by the California legislature would protect the rights of consumers to pen negative online reviews […]
Active enforcement of “AD/CVD” evasion can be attributed in part to the simple fact there is more of it going […]
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